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           副教授 ( 硕导 )      

研究方向    高分子化学与物理      

工作单位     高分子化学与物理研究所      


            济南市十大靠谱网赌南路  27


 E-mail    beiyiling@sdu.edu.cn




1998-   副教授, 全球最大网赌正规平台高分子所        

2013    博士学位 十大靠谱网赌 高分子化学与物理        

1993    硕士学位 十大靠谱网赌 高分子化学与物理        

1986    学士学位 华侨大学 应用化学        





研究生:  合成化学      

本科生:  高分子化学、高分子物理、高分子化学与物理      




研究方向:   有机硅高分子      

研究兴趣:   有机硅高分子;高分子化学;应用量子化学      




 1. Qian Zhao,Qingyang Liu,Huihui Xu,Yiling Bei*,Shengyu Feng, Preparation and characterization of room temperature vulcanized silicone rubber using α-amine ketoximesilanes as auto-catalyzed cross-linkers, RSC Adv. ,6, 38447 (2016)

2. Yiling Bei* and Qingyang LiuReaction mechanisms for dithiothreitol asa measure of particulate matter induced oxidative potential activity by density functional theory, Korean J. Chem. Eng., (7), 1115-1119 (2014)      

3. Liu Qingyang,Ji ZhongxingBei Yiling* Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization of polyaminegrafting from magnetic iron oxide submicroparticles for high adsorptioncapacity of cadmium in aqueous solutionJournal ofcolloid and interface science, 2013 394: 646-651        

4. Bei Yiling,LiuQingyang,Feng Shengyu*Effects of Lewis Acids on theThermal Rearrangements of Chloromethylsilane: A Density Functional Theory Study Silicon 2013 5:263-269      

5. Yiling Bei,Qingyang Liu,Shengyu Feng*A DFT study on thethermal decomposition of 2-chloroethylsilaneStructChem.2012 23:1533-153      

6. Yiling Bei,Qingyang Liu,Shengyu Feng*Theoretical study of thethemal rearrangement of chloromethylsilanes, and it mechanismRes. Chem. Intermed 2012 38:2491-2500      

7. Guohui Huang,Yiling Bei*Poly[[[μ-3,3'-(dimethylsilanediyl) -dibenzoato][μ-1,1'-(1,4-phenylene)- di- 1H- imidazole] zinc] monohydrate]ActaCrystallographica Section E Vol.68 No.Pt 7,2012      

8. Yiling Bei*and Qingyang LiuSilylene reaction with acetylene:elucidating the mechanism by theoretical identification of a new intermediateProgress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism,Vol. 36, pp. 323-328.2011      

9. Junying Zhang, Qingyang Liu, Yuanju Ding, Yiling Bei*3 -aminopropyltriethoxysilanefunctionalized nanoscale zero-valent iron for the removal of dyes from aqueoussolutionPolish Journal of Chemical Technology,13, 2,35 -39,2011      

10. Zhongxin Ji,Yiling Bei*Removal of copper ions from aqueoussolution with a weak cation exchanger by Radiation-induction grafting acrylicacid onto polypropylene fiberInternational journal ofindustrial chemistry,2(1), 2011, 23-26      

11. Qingyang Liu,Yiling Bei*Thermodynamics and dynamic kinetics of theoxidation of selenomethionine to methionine selenoxide: a DFT studyProgress in ReactionKinetics and MechanismVol.35, 2010, 417-422      

12. Qingyang LiuYiling Bei*Feng ZhouRemoval of lead[II] from aqueous solution with amino-functionalizednanoscale zero-valent iron, Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2009      

13. Qingyang Liu,Yingnan Zou,Yiling Bei*,Guibin Qi,Yuezhong Meng,Mechanic properties andthermal degradation kinetics of tercopolymer poly(propylene cyclohexenecarbonate)s, Materials Letters. 200862 3294–3296      

14. Bei Yi-Ling*ZHU Chen-FuLIU Qing-YangQI Gui-BinAddit ion Reaction ofPentacoordinated Silicon Compounds by R3SiX with NR3’, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.,2008, 24(2): 217- 222      

15.  Bei Yi-Ling*ZHU Chen-Fu, Dynamical and Thermodynamic Studies onthe Isomerization Reaction of cis-Halogeno Silylene to Halogeno Silyl(silylene),ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, Vol. 66, 2008,No. 7, 810816      

16. BeiYi-Ling* ZHU, Chen-Fu, Quantum Chemistry Research forthe Silicyl Alkene Produced by Addition Reaction of Disilyne with Hydrogen, ACTACHIMICA SINICA, Vol. 65, 2007, No. 11, 10851088      




1 含酯基硅烷偶联剂的制备,山东省自主创新专项计划      

2 利用项转移催化技术合成有机硅化合物,山东省自然科学基金      

3 反应型受阻胺哌啶衍生物可控/“活性光聚合动力学及其控制机理研究,国家自然科学基金项目

4  二次有机气溶胶分子示踪物筛选和来源机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目

5  北京市大气细颗粒物的氧活性物质生成机制和来源解析。北京市自然科学基金青年项目 












  • 招收高分子化学与物理专业科学学位硕士研究生        



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